Énergies citoyennes en Pays de Vilaine is a grass-root organization founded in 2003 by inhabitants of the Pays de Vilaine territory in eastern Brittany (33 municipalities and 66 000 inhabitants). The initial purpose of the founders was to re-appropriate energy issue through developing wind turbines, financed and managed by citizens …

The cooperative Enercoop was created in 2005 to offer a citizen-led alternative when the energy market was liberalized. Through our network of 11 cooperatives spread all over the French territory, we empower citizens, communities, public entities and companies in the energy sector. The cooperatives act and campaign to make the …

Carbon Co-op is an energy services and advocacy co-operative that helps people and communities to make the radical reductions in home carbon emissions necessary to avoid runaway climate change. The organisation is based in Manchester, UK and was established in 2008. Carbon co-op work in energy systems and specialise in …

EnergieID is a Belgian cooperative that develops and maintains a energy management platform. The platform is used by energy cooperatives, local authorities and energy suppliers to offer energy services to their members, citizens and customers. The platform is also used by energy communities to manage their own energy assets.

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